Hi. Thanks for showing up.
You might find yourself here for a number of reasons. Maybe you are compelled by a recent racial justice uprising and want to understand your role in perpetuating white supremacy. Perhaps you are angry and appalled by the violence perpetrated by the very law enforcement officers who have vowed to protect their citizens. Maybe you want to learn more about how to talk to your family about becoming better allies. Or maybe you are beginning to connect the dots between your own behavioral tendencies and structural racism. Maybe someone you respect referred you to this workbook. Or perhaps you are already a student of antiracism and are curious about what I have to say. Whatever brings you here, welcome to the work. Here you will find exercises designed to help white communities identify and discuss white supremacy and racism and our role in dismantling systems, institutions, and practices of white supremacy. It is important that we realize that we have the capacity to do this work and to facilitate meaningful change despite our busy and complicated lives. Our silence is our complicity and the cost is human lives. This workbook is a tool to help ease the anxiety of “getting started.” Use this push to find your own resiliency, endurance, and capacity to lead change. Our era is one marked by great challenges, and great challenges require courageous responses. The right time is now.
Sarah Minegar
iouworkbook (at) gmail.com
#NormalizeRaceConvo #EverydayAllyship